Friday 10 September 2021

RESEARCH: Who are trailers aimed at?

I understand that trailers are generally aimed at the same audience as the films they publicise. Different groups of people will be attracted to different genres of films, an whilst every individual does have unique taste, it is important in trailers for there to be features that have a wide appeal to extend the reach of films. 
I watched an analysed the trailers for three films on the teaching trailers website:

1. Vita and Virginia

2. Frozen 2

3. Apollo 11

I attempted to match the potential target audience of the films to the categories below:

My Conclusions:

Vita and Virginia is suited to: Ages 25+, perhaps more skewed towards women. I can imagine literary, educated audiences enjoying it, as it is a book about literary circles such as the Bloomsbury group (a group of intellectuals that Vita and Virginia belonged to) and a literary adaptation of a stage play. It might also be of interest to independent, socially aware, modern women, who are interested in the history of women's liberation. It is set in the 1920s, so would also appeal to those interested in period drama who would engage in the high production values (period consumes, set) and its historical value. It would interest those who enjoy social history, literature and art, due to Virginia Woolf's association with the Bloomsbury Group. A specific arthouse audience is targeted, enabling them to make strong choices about the film that don't necessarily apply to a broad audience. The beautiful gardens would attract natural trust lovers.

Frozen 2 is aimed at: I think that Frozen 2 would be aimed at families and children under 13, the traditional audience of Disney. The film is animated, with high production values meaning it will appeal to adults as well as children as the animation is so realistic. There are expectations that a Disney film will deliver wholesome values and a feel-good movie, meaning therefore it is trusted by families. The main character - is a strong young women Elsa due to an increasing desire for young female audiences to be able to identify with a strong empowered women. Her determination is exaggerated in the narrative shown in the trailer, representing her strength of character and presenting her as a positive role model for young audiences. It has a strong action and adventure feel, with dramatic music and visuals with hints of magic, Olaf the snowman brings a comedic element and animals appeal to children

Apollo 11 would interest: A wide target audience of adults (25+). I feel it would however also be suited to teenage boys and girls, although perhaps with a greater skew towards male audiences who crave action and adventure. Lots of dramatic effect is created, enticing those who enjoy the action/thriller genre, or perhaps who have an interest in space. It has a documentary feel and is informative so would also appeal to those who are fascinated by modern history and space travel. The production values make audiences are successful in creating a sense of authenticity, through the use of solely archival footage. This adds to the excitement built throughout the trailer, as it was such a monumental moment for mankind. I was interested in the focus on national pride through the intertitle 'we were one', drawing patriotic audiences in as they feel a sense of pride over the West' opinions and it is symbolic to them. Recently, I have also watched the trailer for Gravity, which would appeal to another type of audience who enjoy tense, unsettling drama and action. Whereas, Apollo it feels is promoting a film with triumph at the end.

1 comment:


ELLIE SMART 1859 I worked with Millie Wyatt 1874, Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 and Jess Foster 1820.  We produced a film promotion package for...