Wednesday 8 September 2021

RESEARCH: What is a trailer

 I have started further research on trailers, using the FDA Teaching Trailers online course.

I watched the trailer for 'Booksmart' before considering the following questions about trailers in general:

After studying the film industry last year, I now understand how Hollywood majors and UK independent film companies create unique marketing campaigns to successfully reach and engage their audiences.  These campaigns cover many different ways in which the film's message is presented to potential audiences.

Major elements of a films marketing campaign include:
- Trailer and teaser trailer
- Social media and viral marketing
- Film Posters 
- Film website

For example, Disney's Black Panther's marketing campaign utilised the prestige and status of Disney as one of the Hollywood Big Six, as well as the established fanbase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant they were able to immediately attract audiences who enjoyed the high production values and qualities of Marvel films. The Black Panther film website acted as a convergent hub, with convergent links to social medias, merchandising, trailers, connecting events (e.g. star appearances) and posters. However, the film also wanted to attract the more specific demographic of African Americans so used grassroots marketing to advertise the film as ethically aware. It was released in black history month, with a 'Wakanda' based fashion show and an all-black cast.

To see different elements of the campaign, one would go to:
- The online website (with convergent links to social medias)
- Cinema (trailers) or TV (chat shows)
- Blog posts by influencers/fans
- Newspaper reports and features, magazine articles
- P+A (posters)

Black Panther's trailer was available on YouTube, and was also accessible via the convergent link on the website. Announcements on social media drew attention to events such as the Wakana fashion show, utilising the global nature and wide audience of instagram, facebook and twitter. Anticipation for the films release started 2 years prior to the release, with interviews on radio, tv and youtube. 
When I decide what film to see, factors such as the trailer influence my opinions. If the trailer is engaging, I will be intrigued and want to watch the actual movie. Whereas, if I feel bored it will impact my views negatively on the whole movie. The trailer also is indicative of the genre, through genre conventions, aiding my decision based on preconceptions of what genres interest me. Posters are influential in initially attracting me to a film, as they catch my attention and give a first insight into what the film entails through director power and star talent or captivating visuals. I also look for ethnic diversity within a film, as well as equal gender roles.

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ELLIE SMART 1859 I worked with Millie Wyatt 1874, Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 and Jess Foster 1820.  We produced a film promotion package for...