Tuesday 22 February 2022


Within my production team, I was responsible for the twitter social media platform for our film, Dodging A Bullet. I have been coordinating a slow release of materials on my platform, designed to build excitement and audience engagement.

I tried to make my posts encourage audience interaction, for example behind the scenes sneak peaks and posts asking audiences to retweet guesses at our mysterious star talent.

The link to my twitter is here - https://twitter.com/theframingfilm?s=11
SOCIAL MEDIA by Ellie Smart

1 comment:

  1. Under the tab at the top entitled SOCIAL MEDIA you give an account of your
    excellent work. Visme and Canva presentations about your use of your social media platform reflect sophisticated understanding of how to engage your audience based on thorough research (such as the investigation into how the film Rocket Man communicated to its target audiences). In particular, you show excellent understanding of how social media engages audiences by encouraging interactivity and through personal address, content creation, 'behind the scenes' insights and actor profiles. You also draw attention to why you included an interview with a young film maker for his hobby website and why you used direct address to your target audience.



ELLIE SMART 1859 I worked with Millie Wyatt 1874, Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 and Jess Foster 1820.  We produced a film promotion package for...